White Echoes

White Echoes is a joint exhibition by the Hong Kong actress Karena Lam who is obsessed with ceramics, together with the Hong Kong photographer Yeung, and print art duo Cowrice (Philip and Grace), which uses clay, photography, and printmaking as 3 completely different art medium, and to have an intuitive dialogue with oneself through creation.

The color - White Echoes often gives a sense of tranquility and emptiness, and it is precisely this seeming desolation and tranquility that removes all identities and hustle and bustle, allowing oneself to have inner peace and contemplation. That comes from a trip to North India by Yeung at the beginning of this year, he went to the mountains of Northern India to look for the Zanskar River and did a glacier hike known as Chadar Trek, which is very desolate and makes him has felt with comfortable, natural, and tolerant with no need to care about anything, like time.

The works showed how they depicted time and their own state, forming a very interesting contrast and collision through photography, ceramic art, and printmaking in 3 completely different media and these 4 people had a real artistic dialogue.

Karena Lam x Yang x Cowrice - <<White Echoes>>
Date: 12 – 17 ug 2023
Venue: Parallel Space HK
Address: 202 Tai Nan St, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong

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