Stephen Wong: A Grand Tour in Google Earth

A Grand Tour in Google Earth is a solo exhibition by the Hong Kong artist Stephen Wong Chun-hei. The new series of works combine the realistic and imaginative depiction of the landscape which shows the artist's continuous exploration of landscape painting. The global pandemic has affected many aspects of our lives. Therefore, the artist cannot travel and sketch as usual. He decided to start a series of grand virtual tours of the world on Google Earth. Without leaving the Hong Kong studio, the artist visited and depicted the scenery of various iconic locations such as Mount Fuji, Étretat and Machu Picchu.

The exhibition features a series of new fascinating large-scale works and a set of smaller postcard-sized paintings. Wong uses Google Earth to reach destinations around the world, depicting breathtaking scenery, from natural environments to historical sites. The artist uses 360-degree panoramic images to present angles and perspectives rarely seen in paintings.

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