Space and Memory

Space and Memory is a group exhibition by 3 local Hong Kong emerging artists Tang Kwong-san, Szelit Cheung, and Tap Chan, which investigating the ways in which spaces related to identity, dreams and memories are represented, perceived and imagined opens the door to reflection and contemplation.

Tang considers his family heritage and personal identity, often uses the South China Sea as a historical space. Through his monochrome graphite works reorganizing and reinterpreting the collective and personal archives, that is not only done he laboriously copy original materials, photos, and documentary stills, he also changed them by reimagining the positives as negatives, evoking a sense of nostalgia.

Cheung's works play with light, shadow, and color, making the space abstract, eternal, and placeless. he draws inspiration from the imagination and fragments of geographical memory, and through repeated experiments on shadows, geometry, and light, he outlines the emptiness of space, which loves emptiness and cleanliness, brings a sense of loneliness through the proper use of fragments and reduces the space to its most essential state.

Chan's sculpture contrasts sharply with Cheung and Tang's two-dimensional works. She is keen to explore the boundaries of insomnia and daily life, using industrial materials to create incredible sculptural forms that refer to the home space, forming a dreamlike theater, like a heterotopia. This term describes both real and virtual. space.

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