Myth Makers - Spectrosynthesis III

Myth Makers - Spectrosynthesis III delves into modern and contemporary myths and bodily practices by collecting various artistic idioms related to LGBTQ+ perspectives from over 60 artists from Asia and its diaspora around the core concept of "queer mythology".

The exhibition is inspired by artists who tell "Queer Myths," emphasizing same-sex love and desire, or gender fluidity, found in ancient Asian belief systems and traditions. At the same time, the exhibition also highlights the "New Traditions" of our time, spectacle and celebrity, playfulness and/or transgression, and non-normative bodily practices and histories in the work of contemporary artists.

Unfolding through three unique chapters, including newly created works of art, and historical works from the 1950s to the 90s, by bringing together so many artistic perspectives and vocabularies, an effort is made to present multiple conversations, statements, and counter-statements of stories, individuals and communities.

Myth Makes
Date: 24 Dec 2022 - 10 Apr 2023
Venue: Taikwun Contemporary
Address: 1/F, 3/F Galleries (JC Contemporary), F Hall, Taikwun
繁體中文 zh