John McAllister: Some Rhapsodies Radiant

Some Rhapsodies Radiant is a solo exhibition by the American artist John McAllister, which presents 11 new oil on canvas works inspired by his frequent trips to the New England wilderness, where he lives and works.

Made through warm and rough colors, with speckled but controlled markings, the 11 works on display attempt to exploit a sense of immersion: they invite the viewer into the depths of the densest landscape, fully absorbed, where the surrounding haze begins to merge Natural shapes and colors. This is underscored in the two tondos in the exhibition; the classic technique of Renaissance painting, where the absence of edges softens the eye during daydreaming or contemplation. McAllister's paintings are both captivating and soothing; heat and cold, perspective and intimacy are constantly at play, having a psychological impact on the viewer.

The artist's distinctive neon tones transform classical pastoral scenes into intense and ecstatic compositions, where lush forests, rolling hills and sky begin to merge into a single Impressionist whole. In doing so, the artist attempts to convey what he describes as the "electric void" experienced in nature, characterized by mesmerizing beauty and terrifying carelessness, which can only be simulated by stylized imagery or representation of sensations.
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