HANGA is a joint exhibition by 2 contemporary artists Tomoo Gokita and Sanya Kantarovsky, the exhibition title "HANGA" means printmaking art in Japanese.

Both artists are obsessed with pictorial explorations of dreamlike figures, deliberately engaging or altering artistic or historical references in their signature style. Through a variety of printmaking techniques on different paper supports, all in limited production, Gokita's pastel-toned paintings are delivered with precision, while Kantarovsky's paintings are full of irony and sensibility, echoing the Edo-era tradition of woodblock prints. We invite you to take this opportunity to view the masterful printmaking technique and its dialogue with the artist's outstanding work.

To faithfully transfer Gokita's canvases into the prints, two different techniques were used: in "MAE E NARAE" and "Oscalypso", the original painting was screen printed, a method of passing ink or paint through a fine mesh screen; on the other hand, Kantarovsky carefully considered Edo-era Ukiyo-e prints based on Kabuki and Noh, as well as the works of these masters. As Utagawa Kuniyoshi, he created a set of dark satirical pictorials called "Paradise," similar to his frequent references to humanist paintings and comics.

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