Sam Gilliam

Sam Gilliam’s sole exhibition which features new works by the artist. All the paintings in the exhibition were created by the artist in 2021. These works are based on the hypotenuse abstract paintings that Gilliam has been continuously developing since the 1960s. Gilliam’s early painting methods were based on dyeing techniques adopted by Washington School colorists in the late 1950s and early 1960s, including Helen Frankenthaler, Morris Louis, and Kenneth Noland. At this time, the artist began to experiment with different techniques and materials, dyeing and pouring paint and other materials directly on the canvas, while folding and crumpling its wet surface, creating a variegated combination of luminous colors and depth.

The new paintings on display in this exhibition reflect Gilliam's continuous experimentation with hypotenuse canvases. With a keen attention to surface, alchemy and volume, these paintings provide a wealth of texture constellations, material, and sublime composition. His abstract expression method is deep and full of vitality, often Including folding, soaking and dyeing the canvas, and then applying a thick layer of paint mixed with the material as pure paint, sawdust, tiny particles and other debris from the studio floor. Use rake, steel brush, etc. Tool, Gilliam then exposed the glowing color layer underneath, like fire from volcanic ash.
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