Eternal Seasons

Eternal Seasons is an exhibition spanning more than a century from Impressionism to the present. The selected masterpieces on display depict the four seasons, capture the periodicity of life, and provide insights into how the artist perceives and portrays the ever-changing landscape.

Vincent Van Gogh's "View of a Park in Paris" in 1886 was painted during the artist's important two-year stay in Paris. There, Van Gogh met avant-garde art and the core members of the Paris Impressionist circle, which prompted him to reflect on the style he had previously developed in Antwerp. The autumn colour palette and the quick brushstrokes of the Paris park landscape show that Van Gogh is transitioning to a more vivid style, closer to his most impressive French impressionism. The painting was owned by the avant-garde critic Albert Aurier, and remained unrecognized after his death. It was hidden in a house of his descendants until it was discovered by an expert in 1980.

Another highlight is Claude Monet's " Basket of Apples " (1885), originally commissioned by art dealer Paul Durand-Ruel, is part of a set of door panels shows the still life of flowers and fruits from his apartment in Paris. In 2015, the National Gallery of London held an exhibition for Durand-Ruel, a pivotal figure who discovered and supported Impressionist painters such as Monet and Renault, and Edgar Degas were praised. It took Monet three years to complete the painting work of the committee, treating each panel as an independent picture. A basket of apples has lived in Durand-Ruel's family for more than 120 years.

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