Brad Brown

The solo exhibition of the American artist Brad Brown features 2 of the most iconic abstract works from his career representing the accumulation of time, his visual archive on canvas and paper, and his imagination flowing between brushstrokes and colors.

Each of his paintings is independent but never alone. "The Looking at the Stains" series consists of thousands of paintings, which are assembled, cut, pasted, and reorganized by the artist, and arranged into a visual information network that is constantly changing.

The creative process emphasizes the freedom he gained in letting go of the constraints of a fixed outcome. Without a clear conclusion, infinite exploration begins. With this mindset, the artist fearlessly takes risks, embraces the unexpected, and lets his intuition guide his brush. Throughout his artistic journey invites the viewer to explore the unknown, finding liberation in releasing the constraints of expectations.

Brad Brown
Date: 25 Jan – 15 Mar 2024
Gallery: Leo Gallery
Address: G/F, 46 Sai Street, Sheung Wan

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