Ariane Sherine: Talk Youself Better

Talk Yourself Better explores all the different types of therapy available, and the author - Ariane Sherine @arianesherine provides interesting insights into each type, including interviews with celebrities, authors, and the therapist themselves, to help you take your first steps more easily. A fun and clear question and answer section walk through the differences between treatments real-life stories honestly explain the pros and cons of each treatment therapist interviews give insight into why a counselor supports their chosen form of practice. When it comes to addressing psychological or emotional issues and highlights the importance of talk therapy in improving mental health.

The central message of the book: It is possible to rewire our subconscious mind through repetition, through examples to help with a thorough understanding to cover as many areas of life as possible. Suffer from low self-esteem and confidence, or get caught up in past events that you can't let go of. From self-taught books or reading to improve your life, reach your full potential, and create the life you truly deserve, this book will be a game-changer for you.

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