Rites of Passages

Rites of Passage is a group exhibition, after seemingly in an intermediate state for more than a year, Rites of Passage explored the concept of liminal space. An international artist group participated in the idea of uncertainty and fear, encapsulating the uncertain existence between reality and suspension.

Usually, the liminal space is characterized by transition, which is presented in the physical form of corridors, stairs or elevators as a waiting room between one place and another. They are usually empty and abandoned, without human existence. However, despite their disturbing vagueness, these spaces are still strangely familiar, triggering a strange feeling of weirdness and nostalgia. However, the works presented in "Rites of Passage" often include a group of identifiable characters who live in these limited spaces and struggle with their own periods of change. In this sense, by combining architectural and physical performance, "Rites of Passages" hints at how thresholds affect our spiritual existence when we wander between one stage of life and the next.

The form and materiality of the artwork itself reflects the concept of these intermediates. These works often combine surrealism with the visual language of surrealism, making us question the familiar and fascinating world they create. Recognizable symbols are usually slightly distorted or surprisingly perfect to construct a seemingly alternative reality whose characteristics are ambiguous. These works are both meticulous and dreamy, wandering only on the edge of abstraction, between mimicry and non-figurative.
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