Jose Lerma: Guerras Tibias

Guerras Tibias is a solo exhibition by the Spanish painter José Lerma @jose_lerma_studio, which showcase his recent ultra-painted portraits are paradoxically austere. The abundance of paint on each canvas is matched by sparse brushstrokes: only three to ten per painting.

While impasto usually conveys dynamism and spontaneity, here it strictly describes a static head in front or in profile. The sharp and majestic shape is reminiscent of Piero della Francesca’s classic double portrait of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino. Only the opposite extreme replaced the transparent oil glazes of the early Renaissance masters: condensed acrylic panels.

The artist's paintings are barely marked and thickened with quick-drying paints with gels and other materials, so careful planning is required. This systematic process and the profound serenity of the resulting images counteract the courage of the improvisations associated with gestural brushstrokes. In addition to the unlikely combination of seductive expressionism and serious neoclassicism, the series contains many more contradictions that challenge the expectations of painting and portraiture.

José Lerma - << Guerras Tibias>>
Date: 11 Jan - 18 Feb 2023
Gallery: @alminerech, London
Address: Grosvenor Hill, Broadbent House,W1K 3JH London UK
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